Can’t Wait Wednesday: Waywarden by S.A. Harian

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings to share upcoming book releases that we’re excited about! This meme is based on Waiting on Wednesday, which was created and hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

I’ve been casually keeping an eye out for a cover and release date for Waywarden for what feels like a year now. The first book, Briardark was an unexpected hit that I can’t stop thinking about due to the sheer disturbing and strange nature of it. It’s like the tv show LOST, but following a group of research scientists studying a glacier in the wilderness of the western United States. I can’t wait to see what sort of weird, unsettling story awaits in the sequel, which will be released July 15, 2024.

In the thrilling second installment of the Briardark series, three paths diverge, uncovering revelations buried within an impossible wilderness.

Separated from her team and haunted by grief, Siena Dupont claws her way through the lightless Briardark in search of an escape. The final threads of her sanity unravel when she realizes The Shadow isn’t the only thing stalking her through the forest’s darkest depths.

Cameron Yarrow has long abandoned her team in pursuit of a ghost from her past. Desperation drives her to the depraved settlement of The Tooth, where a terrifying ritual ensnares her. To survive, she must place her trust in a stranger and embrace the trail of clues to Avery Mathis, the crux of her obsession.

Holden Sharpe refuses to let Siena vanish, even if it means embarrassing himself as a rescue mission amateur. But when a raging wildfire derails the search, he must find another path to the missing researchers—even if it means confronting the boundaries of reality itself.

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