Currently Reading: 5/27/24

The Duke and I by Julia Quinn
I was browsing Kindle Unlimited after I re-subscribed (3 months free!) and lo, The Duke and I was available! I can continue my Bridgerton obsession until Season 3 Part 2 arrives in June.

A Sorceress Comes to Call by T. Kingfisher
I know this isn’t out for a few months yet, but I’ve been dying to read it! I suspect I’ll love this, especially since the numerous early reviews are looking so positive.

I’m so glad it’s a holiday weekend even though it’s been stormy! It gives me an extra day to relax, read, and take care of things around the house. I’ve been trying to pick out a new audiobook to read, but I’ve tried THREE different ones in the last week and none of them are clicking with me!

5 thoughts on “Currently Reading: 5/27/24

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  1. I know what you mean with audiobooks lately. I finished a couple that I’d thought of DNFing, and DNFed a couple more because meh.

    Wasn’t terribly stormy here, though it did snow…


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