Can’t Wait Wednesday: A Dawn with the Wolf Knight by Elise Kova

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings to share upcoming book releases that we’re excited about! This meme is based on Waiting on Wednesday, which was created and hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

I absolutely adore Elise Kova’s Married to Magic series and the cover for A Dawn with the Wolf Knight is gorgeous! This follows a witch who’s swept off to Midscape, where magical beings of all sorts live, and claimed by the Wolf King. In a rather exciting turn of events, it seems like one of his knights has his eyes on the same witch. A Dawn with the Wolf Knight will be released August 1, 2024!

A grown up Little Red Riding Hood meets werewolves and witches in an adult fantasy romance that’s perfect for fans of Danielle L. Jensen, Sarah J. Maas, and Laura Thalassa.

To enter the woods as a human is death… But I am no mere human. They call me, “witch.”

As one of the last surviving witches, her sole duty was to keep the protective barriers on the forests where the lykin roam—creatures who can shed flesh for fur. But when she has a magical encounter with the rare, primordial spirit of the moon, she’s taken to the magical land of Midscape and claimed by the Wolf King as his bride.

But the king’s blisteringly handsome knight who’s now her sole protector has other ideas…

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