Currently Reading: 6/24/24

The Sky on Fire by Jen Lyons
It’s time to get serious about all the July ARCs on my TBR and The Sky on Fire is the first one on my checklist. I’m about 15% in and I’m intrigued. The dragons seem to run things and only have humans to do their bidding, plus there’s some cool magic I can’t wait to learn more about!

Navola by Paolo Bacigalupi
This is definitely one of my most anticipated reads for the month, though I’m trying to temper my expectations since the reviews seem to be sort of middling. I do love political fantasy, so I hope it works a bit better for me! If I finish up The Sky on Fire this week (I expect to), I’ll be starting this right after.

I’m also still working my way through Children of Fallen Gods by Carissa Broadbent and I’m really enjoying it! I can’t wait to share my review of the first book – will be typing it up soon!

In other news, since changing my domain name from to just in January my views have gone down a ton! I expected this for a bit, but its going on six months now. Good news is, after some digging about I found out how to re-index a website on Google Search Console and after two days of Google doing its thing I think my site is now indexed again! It will take some time to determine if it’s truly worked, but I’m hopeful.

4 thoughts on “Currently Reading: 6/24/24

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  1. Looking forward to starting The Sky on Fire, and I’m so curious about the Carissa Broadbent series! Good luck with your site stats, I hope the indexing fix works😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Carissa Broadbent books are SO GOOD! It looks like I’ve already had a bit more web traffic from Google searches, so I *think* the indexing helped!


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