Wyrd & Wonder: Journey’s End

Art by Elena Zakharchuk Wyrd & Wonder’s daily challenges are extra special in 2024 because they’ve been put on a map and you can use the prompts of your choosing to journey from Mount TBR to Journey’s End. You can check out Ariana’s post at The Book Nook for more information and the lovely map! Today I’m wrapping... Continue Reading →

Wyrd & Wonder: Grimdark Forest

Art by Elena Zakharchuk Wyrd & Wonder's daily challenges are extra special in 2024 because they've been put on a map and you can use the prompts of your choosing to journey from Mount TBR to Journey's End. You can check out Ariana's post at The Book Nook for more information and the lovely map! Today... Continue Reading →

Wyrd & Wonder: Outside Your Zone

Art by Elena Zakharchuk Each week during Wyrd and Wonder has a themed 'top five' style post and this week's theme is Outside Your Zone. This focuses on books you've read or would like to read that are outside your comfort zone. My list will be a mix - two books I want to read... Continue Reading →

Wyrd & Wonder: Dragon’s Pass

Art by Elena Zakharchuk At this point, I think most fantasy readers have heard of Fourth Wing and Eragon, so I'm going to share a few of my favorite dragon-centric books that are a little less well known. The Summer Dragon by Todd LockwoodThough Todd Lockwood is usually known for his artwork, he also released this... Continue Reading →

Wyrd & Wonder: Zone In On Comfort

Art by Elena Zakharchuk Each week during Wyrd and Wonder has a themed 'top five' style post and this week's theme is Zone In On Comfort. This focuses on your five favorite comfort reads or five ingredients that make a book a comfort read for you! I'm going to focus on the ingredients that make... Continue Reading →

Wyrd & Wonder: Mount TBR

Art by Elena Zakharchuk It's once again time for Wyrd and Wonder - an entire month where readers celebrate their love for the fantasy genre. The theme for 2024 is comfort reads, whatever that means to you! Fantasy in general is what I would consider a comfort read, though there are certainly a few specific themes... Continue Reading →

Wyrd & Wonder: Top 5 Magic Casters

Artwork by astromoali During this month long celebration of the fantastical, Wyrd and Wonder has posed the question of "Who are your favorite magic users?". There are so many books with cool magic systems and even cooler magic users, but often those characters come to mind as something else first, whether that be a warrior, a... Continue Reading →

Currently Reading: 5/8/23

Artwork by astromoali I shared my planned reading list for Wyrd and Wonder last week, so let's talk about what's scheduled for this week! So far I'm right on track with where I intended to be. The Book That Wouldn't Burn  by Mark LawrenceAs I type this, I'm only about 10% into this particular book, but... Continue Reading →

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